Sam Topalidis (Pontic historian) 2018 Introduction Trabzon is a town with over 300,000 people in northeast Turkey on the Black Sea coast (Figure 1). It was settled […]
Sam Topalidis (Pontic Historian) 2018 Introduction Greeks colonised Pontos in the north-east corner of Anatolia near the Black Sea from at least the 7th century BC (Tsetskhladze […]
Sam Topalidis (Pontic Historian) 2018 Introduction Greeks established colonies around the Black Sea (Figure 1) by the 7th century BC including in modern Georgia, southern Russia, […]
Sam Topalidis1 and Russell McCaskie2 2018 (1Pontic Historian, 2Research Associate) Introduction Little has been written in English on life in the Trabzon region (Figure 1) on […]